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Treatments for hunchback will be indicated depending on the severity of the problem. Many cases have completely improved thanks to the application of appropriate treatment. It is important for the patient to discuss with the doctor carefully for specific advice and instructions to achieve the desired effect.

Can humpback be cured? Most cases of hunchback, if diagnosed early, can be successfully treated and restored to normal function without surgery. However, if this condition is not treated in time, the condition will progress to more serious, leading to many other dangerous health problems.

The humpback can also return soon after treatment. Therefore, it is important to monitor the disease closely, incorporating physical therapy to maintain good posture.

When to treat humpback? Postural kyphosis (postural kyphosis) can often be corrected by improving correct posture. However, if the cause is due to abnormal structure of the vertebrae (Scheuermann kyphosis) or congenital, treatment methods need to be applied to prevent dangerous complications.

Accordingly, the process of curing hunchback depends on the following factors:

Age. Sex. Severity of the curve. Effective and scientific ways to cure hunchback Depending on the condition and degree of hunchback, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment method. Here are some commonly used remedies:

1. Drugs Several medications may be prescribed to treat hunchback, including:

Over-the-counter medicines, such as: Acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen sodium. Prescription pain relievers: Used when over-the-counter pain relievers don’t work. Osteoporosis medications: Osteoporosis medications can help prevent spinal fractures in the elderly (one of the possible causes of hunchback). 2. Back brace Your doctor may recommend the use of a brace to treat hunchback in rare cases. This solution is suitable for children and adolescents of developmental age with mild to moderate kyphosis due to poor posture or Scheuermann’s kyphosis. Accordingly, the doctor will advise in detail about the appropriate type of brace as well as the time to wear in a day.

Splints worn while the bones are still growing will bring a positive improvement effect, thereby helping to prevent scoliosis from getting worse. The device can be uncomfortable at first, restricting certain movements, but most patients get used to it over time. Currently, many models of braces have been conveniently designed, making it easy for users to participate in many difficult physical activities.

A splint can be worn until the spine stops growing, usually around the age of 14-15. The device is not generally recommended for use by adults because of its lack of orthopedic effects.

3. Homework Stretching and strengthening exercises can help improve spinal flexibility, relieve pain, and treat hunchback. A study conducted in 2019 also demonstrated significant benefits that these humpback exercises bring. Accordingly, the main impact is focused on the ability to strengthen the back muscles, especially the area around the spine. Therefore, the habit of maintaining a minimum frequency of exercise 3-4 times / week can help improve correct posture, prevent hunchback from progressing seriously.

4. Physiotherapy In many cases, the doctor may prescribe physical therapy to treat hunchback. This method includes exercises to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles, thereby helping to reduce pain, improve posture. In addition, some movements also have the ability to stretch the hamstrings while increasing strength in other muscle areas of the body.

5. Surgery Although rare, severe kyphosis can cause compression of the spinal cord or nerve roots. To correct this problem, you may need surgery. Accordingly, the most common method is to fix or adjust the spine, aiming to:

Adjust the vertebrae into physiological position. Weld the vertebrae together using bone grafts to fill the spaces between these structures. During surgery, your doctor will make an incision in your back. After that, the curve of the spine will be straightened with metal rods, screws, hooks … combined with bone grafting technique (the bone used is donated bone or can also be taken from another place in the body, such as the pelvis).

This surgical procedure takes 4 to 8 hours and is performed under general anesthesia. Accordingly, the patient may have to stay in the hospital for about a week after surgery and wear a back brace to support the spine until the wound heals. The body is usually restored to basic mobility after 4-6 weeks of surgery. After a year, the patient can play sports again.

After surgery is completed, the healed vertebrae will fuse or join together. This procedure helps to reduce the severity of kyphosis, prevents the curve from becoming severe, and supports better posture.

How is hunchback disease prevented? The condition of hunchback can be completely prevented with some simple solutions as follows:

Always maintain the correct posture, including lying, sitting, sleeping, walking… Do exercises to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles. Maintain a reasonable weight, control diet, exercise daily to avoid weight gain. Do not carry heavy objects on your back because it is easy to injure or deform the spine. Maintain a regular exercise routine to help muscles and bones grow healthy, such as walking, cycling, swimming…

Surgery is indicated when the hunchback causes severe pain or severe symptoms that interfere with daily living. Treatment can significantly reduce the curvature of the spine. The following are the indications for surgery:

Congenital hump. Scheuermann kyphosis with a curve greater than 75 degrees. Severe back pain, even with non-surgical treatments. A hunchback disrupts other important body functions, such as breathing and nerves. The hunchback is markedly progressive, becoming more and more severe. Surgery helps to correct the shape of the spine and thereby effectively relieve pain, but complications can also occur. That is why this solution is recommended only in cases of severe kyphosis. Some potential risks include:

Infection after surgery Excessive bleeding at the surgical site. Damage to the nerves that run through the spine can even lead to paralysis of the limbs, loss of bladder and bowel function.

Some notes during the treatment of hunchback Humpback is a condition in which the spine is excessively curved, affecting aesthetics, making the patient feel very self-deprecating. The kyphosis may not be painful, but it can still lead to stiffness and a host of other problems if it is severe. Accordingly, the course of treatment is usually indicated as follows:

Treatment of hunchback due to posture and Scheuermann hunchback: Includes periodic X-rays to monitor the curve combined with physical therapy, in some cases, the method of wearing a back brace is also applied. Treatment of congenital kyphosis and Scheuermann kyphosis: Spinal fusion surgery is the optimal choice to help relieve pain and correct curvature.