7 mins read


Urticaria (also known as urticaria) is a very common dermatological disease, with 15%-25% of the world population suffering at least once in their life. The disease causes edematous papules with red halos, ranging in size from 1mm to several centimeters, lasting for 30 minutes to 36 hours. The disease can occur at any age, but there are two age groups most susceptible: children under 9 years old and from 30 to 40 years old.

When urticaria occurs, patients need to see a doctor to find out the cause, help limit the number of recurrences or make the disease worse. Top 3 ways to treat urticaria at home , reduce itching extremely effectively below hope to contribute to improving your condition.

Why get urticaria?

Urticaria is a type of rash on the skin with raised red spots, causing itching, lumps that make the skin not as flat as usual. This condition occurs when a certain trigger inside the body causes an excessive amount of histamine and other chemical transmitters to be released. These substances cause the blood vessels in the skin to react leading to acute or chronic edema and leakage. Hives usually appear as red or pink, fluid leaking into the tissues causing swelling and itching.

Urticaria can appear on all parts of the body such as: hands, feet, eyes, lips, tongue, neck, back, abdomen and even genitals.

Anyone can have urticaria, most often with people with sensitive skin, weak immune systems, women, and children.

According to statistics from the Central Hospital of Dermatology, for every 100 people, 15-20 people have urticaria. Of these, about 70% of patients develop chronic urticaria (especially in women aged 30 to 40 years).

Urticaria is of two types:

  • Acute urticaria: symptoms persist for less than 24 hours and the condition does not last more than 6 weeks.
  • Chronic urticaria: recurrent episodes occur at least 2 times / week lasting more than 6 weeks (females are more common than men), difficult to determine the cause of the disease.

Causes of hives

There are many causes of urticaria , so patients need to see a dermatologist to find out the causative factor to overcome this condition. Some typical causes of hives include:

  • Food allergies (seafood, peanuts, walnuts, dairy products, eggs, jellyfish, etc.)
  • Environmental pollution (smoke, animal hair, pollen, latex, etc.)
  • Cosmetics, chemicals.
  • The weather changes due to the change of seasons, the temperature changes suddenly from hot to cold or vice versa, bathing in water that is too hot or too cold makes the skin dry, losing its natural moisture, which easily stimulates hives.
  • Some medicinal ingredients (antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, vitamins)
  • Insect bites
  • Hormonal changes, common in pregnant women, postpartum women, perimenopause…
  • Heredity: If parents have urticaria, their children have a higher risk of developing the disease.
  • People with liver disease, kidney disease, lupus erythematosus, thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes …
  • Pressure on the skin: wearing tight clothing, sitting or wearing a bag or backpack for a long time.
  • Stick to dirty water or use water that contains a lot of chlorine.
  • Psychological instability: stress, excessive emotions

Can urticaria be cured?

Each patient has a different body and condition, the cause of the disease is also different, so the time of onset and recovery will also be different. If the patient has good resistance, adequate nutrition, drinks a lot of water, exercises, finds out the cause of the allergy to isolate it in time, the patient will recover after a few days without needing to drink. medicine.

However, patients should not be subjective when urticaria because the disease is easy to confuse with other skin diseases, if treated incorrectly or not treated, it will lead to more severe disease, difficult to recover. Although some causes of hives can be treated at home, it is important to see a doctor for proper advice.

Can hives go away on its own?

Acute urticaria may resolve on its own over time, with complete resolution within a few days (lasting no more than 6 weeks). However, chronic urticaria will take a long time to heal, often recur, affecting the digestive system, muscles, and lungs.

Particularly for patients with hereditary urticaria, the ability to self-heal is low, often recurrent, so only temporary treatment to reduce itching and discomfort. Therefore, when urticaria, the patient needs to find the cause of the allergy soon to isolate the causative factor. At the same time, it is necessary to visit a medical facility for examination and treatment under the guidance of a doctor.

Instructions on how to treat hives at home

Urticaria is a benign reaction of the skin, mainly causing itching, skin rashes. Therefore, first of all, the patient needs to be prevented by:

  • Avoid exposure to factors that cause urticaria: some triggers of urticaria include: insect bites, stress, sunlight, some allergic ingredients in medications (antibiotics, aspirin, ibuprofen), dust, animal hair, pollen, latex, foods that the patient is allergic to…
  • Keep the body cool: people prone to urticaria should wear loose and airy clothes, good moisture-wicking cotton material, do not use hard, dry fabrics that are vulnerable.
  • Avoid using products that irritate the skin: cosmetics, chemicals, perfumes, skin care products, toothpaste, colorants, preservatives used in food, vitamins, spices…

Mild urticaria can be treated at home by applying some of the following methods:

  • Use an anti-itch solution: people with urticaria often scratch a lot, which can easily lead to skin damage, so it is necessary to clean with anti-itch solutions such as oatmeal, baking soda, cool baths, etc.
  • Although this remedy helps you reduce itching and discomfort caused by hives, if symptoms continue to occur and persist, it means that you are not completely isolated from the causative factor.
  • Treatment of urticaria with drugs: with over-the-counter drugs, patients can buy but need to consult a doctor such as: antihistamines, calamine (topical medicine), cetirizine, loratadine, fexofenadine, benadryl.
  • Supplement with vitamins and nutrients: Supplement with nutritious foods, vegetables, fresh fruits, drink plenty of water… to help increase skin’s resistance, limit urticaria. The source of vitamins for both adults and children also needs to be carefully guided by a dermatologist.

Note: Dermatologists said that some patients also treat urticaria with folk remedies such as: cure urticaria with ginger, cure urticaria with perilla leaves, tips to cure urticaria with dental treatment. aloe vera, cure urticaria with green tea leaves; cure urticaria with betel leaf, how to treat urticaria with salt… can make the disease ineffective, so the patient needs to go to the hospital to consider the extent of the disease; from which to develop a treatment plan suitable for each individual.

Tam Anh General Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City has a specialist in Dermatology, with an experienced doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating urticaria, rashes, and allergies. Depending on the condition of the disease, the doctor will create a treatment plan suitable for each patient. You need advice, support for treatment of urticaria or register directly here.